Our Values-Image

Our Values

  • We provide a challenging and supportive environment to stimulate, maintain and develop a lively enquiring mind.
  • Encourage all pupils to reach their true potential and eventually become independent learners who value learning with and from others.
  • Value application, perseverance, initiative and independence of thought and action, as well as co-operative endeavours.
  • Develop a sense of moral values which can form a framework for a sense of own worth, and relationships with others, so as to start pupils on the road to becoming responsible members of society.
  • Develop a positive attitude towards themselves and others with a strong sense of self respect. Also to develop a sense of respect for other people’s property, ideas and beliefs irrespective of gender, race, disability or achievement, etc.
  • Help children appreciate achievements, failures and aspirations and develop positive attitudes towards and concern for the environment.
  • Provide children with tasty and nutritious meals which reflect our multicultural environment.