Admission Policy-Image

Admission Policy


We provide: full and part time places, full and half days.


Parents may register their child for the nursery by contacting the Nursery Office. You will be invited to view the nursery and complete an Application for a Nursery Place. Once we have received the form, the child’s name will be added to the admissions list until a place becomes available at the required start date. There is a first come first served policy, however if there is a sibling who already attends the nursery priority will be given.

Once a place is identified parents will be informed and asked to pay a non-refundable deposit for holding the nursery place until the start date. Deposits are only returned when the child leaves the nursery.

Settling in

All children will undertake a settling in period, which will run across three days.

On day one children will attend between 9.30am and 10.30 parents must be present.

On day two children will stay between 9.30 and 10.30 without the presence of their parent.

On day three children will attend between 11am and 1pm without the parent. Any concerns will be discussed at the end of each session.

When the child is due to start parents will be asked to provide:

For the under 2s For the over 2s
a change of clothing a change of clothing
a toothbrush and tooth paste a toothbrush and tooth paste
a plastic moulded bib Wellington boots
nappies and wipes Sun hat when appropriate
Wellington boots Nappies wipes if needed
Sun hat when appropriate Sun cream when appropriate

Providing details

On day one the parent/s will be asked to complete Parent and Child details in the registration pack ,sign our terms and Conditions agreement, and complete a standing order mandate if applicable. Whilst parent/s are completing these records, their child will be involved in activities with the other children and observed by qualified staff. When the settling in period has been completed your child will be ready to start at the nursery on the date agreed. Children will be assigned a key worker on their first day to ensure that their individual needs are met.