Behaviour Policy-Image

Behaviour Policy

A Childs’ learning and development can be facilitated more effectively in a calm orderly environment. We have high expectations with regards to behaviour, which applies to staff, parents and children attending the nursery.

We encourage

  • The cooperation of children.
  • The support of parents in implementing the behavioural policy
  • A caring and courteous attitude towards others and promote the use of words such as please, thank you & excuse me.
  • Respect for the environment
  • The concept of learning by example and expect high standards of behaviour and conduct from staff.

Behaviour management

To combat any behavioural difficulties we aim to:

  • provide clear boundaries within the nursery environment.
  • provide children with challenging and stimulating activities.
  • undertake related training to learn new ways of addressing behavioural problems as well as seeking advice from the Croydon Best Start Early Learning Collaboration team. Early Years Development and Childcare Partnership (EYDCP)
  • root out the underlying cause of the problem.
  • share ideas concerning behavioural strategies.
  • praise children when praise is due.

Unacceptable behaviour includes:

  • excessive shouting
  • swearing
  • violence
  • bullying
  • name calling

Behavioural strategies and solutions to address this type of behaviour will be discussed with parents. If the child’s behaviour endangers staff or other children, parents will be contacted immediately and asked to collect him/her

Physical punishment is not permissible in our nursery and is not used under any circumstances.

We may on occasion have to intervene if a child is endangering themselves or others by either:

  • removing the child from the situation
  • allowing the child to have a ‘thinking time’ or a cool down period