Parent/Carer information-Image

Parent/Carer information

Name and address of Nursery: Red Robin Montessori,
Heathville House
83 Bensham Manor Road
Thornton Heath, CR7 7AF
Telephone Number: 020 8665 9611
Email: [email protected]
Nursery registration number: EY358567
Opening hours: 7.45am – 6.30pm Monday to Friday 49 weeks of the year.
Age range: 5 Months – 5 Years
The nursery is inspected by Ofsted every 4 years
Type of place available: Full and Part time
Staff ratios: Under 2s: 1 : 3
2 to 3 year olds: 1 : 4
Over 3’s 1 : 8
Combined qualifications: EYPS B.Ed., NVQ L4 in Early learning, Montessori Diploma, First Aid, Food and Hygiene Cert. NVQ L3 in Childcare and Education.
Admission criteria: Age of child
Availability of places
Inspection: The nursery is inspected by OFSTED every four years, in addition to spot checks. Inspection reports are available for parents to read at any time. We are also inspected by Environmental Health &the Fire Protection Services.
Special needs facilities: We have a wheelchair accessible building.