Partnership with Parents and Carers-Image

Partnership with Parents and Carers

Parental Involvement

We welcome ideas and support from all parents. We will occasionally ask for parents to support special celebrations or festivities i.e. providing simple costumes for a play and give support to any projects that children are involved in


We keep parents updated of developments in the nursery including events, projects, staff recruitment, staff and children’s achievements. This is via regular newsletters. We provide a daily report for children under 2 and a report for all children annually. Staff are very approachable and will update parents daily. We also have staff from a range of cultures who speak a variety of languages.

Please could you help us by:

  • Aiming to arrive by 9.30am as the days main activities will begin.
  • Notifying the nursery if your child is unable to attend.
  • Showing an interest in the activities undertaken by the children.