Special Occasions-Image

Special Occasions

If it is a child’s birthday nursery procedure is to have a small celebration at tea-time. As normal, children will be offered their regular snack e.g. sandwiches. In addition children may be offered treats, which are provided by the parent of the birthday child. Parents may bring in a cake if they wish. Please ensure that nuts in any form are omitted.
We would ask for your support here in encouraging healthy eating and to provide treats other than sweets for example, stickers, badges, crayons and notepads.
It is appropriate to also assure parents that no treats will be given to children under a year old. If you choose for your child not to celebrate any of the above, alternative activities will be provided.


It is part of the nursery curriculum to acknowledge, raise cultural awareness and be respectful of the religions and faiths of all. During the year we will include a variety of festivals. During the time of the festival we will discuss how it is celebrated and children will be involved in a variety of appropriate creative tasks